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Sorcerer Codes

A sorcerer/sorceress can be a vera challenging profession in the lands. Challenging mainly because they are considered as being evil, insane and vera powerful. We have the power to destroy quickly by conjuring spells through the elements and spirits of the lands. However with this great power we nae have the right to abuse it. It take a great deal of responsibility to use this power with honor.   

Honor is when we are defending Elanthia from the evil forces that attempt to invade our towns and homes. We are to protect our families and all that live within the lands. A sorcerer is in his/her glory when able to use their most powerful spells against these invading forces.  
Honor is shown when a sorcerer shares his/her defense spells with others to protect them. Sharing mana with clerics and empaths to bring back life and heal. Life is vera dear and precious, we should show this as we live our lives here within the lands.  
The powerful spells that we are able to conjure should never be used against another person for harm of any kind. We should respect all beings by showing kindness and love. Maelstrom and Implosion are now by the grace of our gods focused. These spells nae need to be self cast where it will cause death of another being. Use these spells wisely and with honor.  
Being of a quiet nature is an honorable sorcerer. Is nae important to brag or show off how powerful you are. People really nae like listening to a showoff. Besides it really is nae becoming of any profession. Walk softly and carry a big stick is an old saying. I believe this saying can apply to the sorcerer profession. The big stick is our powerful spells to be used against critters and invading forces. Well I think I have explained the walk softly.  
Having the power to imbed an item for another is also honorable. Just when you do this task for another remember you never want to imbed Maelstrom or Implosion into the item for you nae know what the intent is of the other.  
Living your life as honorably as possible will show to others that you can be a trustworthy and respectful sorcerer. This alone is wonderful knowledge and power.  
I try to live like this and hope that many of you will do the same. I know that there are some in the lands that do nae feel the way I do. I do know that even those have feelings and have to agree they like to be treated with respect and kindness. With this I give you a big hug and nae turn ya into a toad. 
