A Bard's Code by  Elaerina and Aureelia |
- Make sure that all songs, especially loresongs, are unique and honor Elanthia and her creations.Â
- Use song to teach respect for Elanthia.Â
- Preserve our heritage in song, not only by accurate depiction of fact, but also by capturing the beliefs and emotions of the era.Â
- Avoid singing in rooms where healers, clerics or rogues ply their trades. Your song could cost a life.Â
- Never sing songs best left in other ethers.Â
- Serve as role models to all, but especially teach young bards to sing with flair, creativity, and courtesy.Â
A Cleric's Code by  Lord Drandar |
- Always Pray to your Deity for guidance.Â
- Wear and teach the symbols of your belief.Â
- Never pass a body without lifekeeping.Â
- Never withold a blessing, and never charge for magic.Â
- Share your magics when in a place of safety.Â
- Destroy cursed invasion trash where it lies.Â
- Raise the dead who are in need, and rescue the abandoned dead.Â
- Never repel two critters from the same room, if hunters are near.Â
- Always communicate with other clerics when providing assistance.Â
- Teach the young the dangers and art of our profession.Â
- Never go to sleep in a known healing and raising area.Â
A Empath's Code by  Lady Matti |
- Do not allow death, unless death is the price of your action.Â
- Heal for gratitude, not silver.Â
- Do not endanger yourself or others.Â
- Be concerned first for the health of adventurers.Â
- Communicate in guild speak in busy healing centers.Â
- Communicate with others when fogging.Â
- Keep forgiveness in your soul.Â
A Ranger's Code by  Lord Akono |
- Hold all life as precious and dear.Â
- Use their knowledge of the outdoors to benefit and aid others.Â
- Share their magics liberally.Â
- Carry herbs to aid yourself and others.Â
- Calm critter crowded rooms for hunters.Â
- Never leave a vine behind unattended.Â
- Be decent and kind to all you meet.Â
A Rogue's Code by  Lord Brianus and Lady Cassundera |
- Before all else, serve truth, your fellow man, and your liege deity.Â
- Abide by the laws of the land within which you live.Â
- Do what is right as best you know, and avoid the wrong, regardless of the temptation or possible short term reward, heeding your conscience at every turn.Â
- Your hunting skills, while acceptable to be used solo from time to time, should employed to aid a group as often as possible.Â
- Lead and teach a hunting group without pride when your skills and experience make it appropriate, follow and observe without resentment when your skills and experience are lacking.Â
- As a locksmith never demand payment for services, never cheat a customer, and never place others’ lives or health at risk in the course of providing such a service.Â
- As a locksmith teaches your craft to the following generations, including proper techniques, respect for customers and safety measures.Â
- Do not steal and do not condone theft. Confrontation which may lead to violence, however, will be avoided for something as insignificant as loss of coins or gems.Â
- Hold life sacred, and do no violence without it be in defense of your own life or that of your own family.Â
- Offer tips for services rendered as you would wish to be tipped.Â
A Sorcerer's Code by  Lady Vickie |
- Help defend the lands from invading forces.Â
- Share you defense spells and mana with others.Â
- Never use your spells to harm or kill another person.Â
- Thou shalt not be a bragger or show off in front of others.Â
- Never imbed the spells Maelstrom or Implosion into an object for another person.Â
- Be kind and respectful to others.Â
- Live your life honorably to be a good example to others.Â
Warrior's Code by  Lord Garthalemeau  Lord Morgiest, Lord Arderon  Lord Tebon |
- Hunt in Groups.Â
- Wear Heavy Armor.Â
- Behave actively in battle, don't just fight.Â
- Join the Guild.Â
- Carry Herbs.Â
- Send Mana to those who use it.Â
- Swing only after the leader does.Â
- Protect and Champion the innocent & weak.Â
A Wizard's Code by  Lord Xatier |
- Understand your spells and how they work.
- Be cautious of your power.
- Be helpful, not a hindrance.
- Ask before casting.
- Do not charge for spells.
- Do not experiment with another's valued items.